Friendly Computers found some interesting article about Windows 7.
Microsoft has implemented several so called Aero effects into Windows 7 that can be experienced by users if Aero is enabled and supported by their Windows 7 edition. Aero effects are for instance visible when minimizing or maximizing windows or launching the Flip 3D window manager with the [Windows Tab] shortcut.
Most of these Aero effects happen in real-time which makes it somewhat hard to follow or even notice at all. Users who want to experience slowed down Aero effects can do so by adding two new entries to the Windows Registry.
The following steps are necessary to be able to slow down the Aero effects in Windows 7:
Open the Windows Registry editor by pressing [windows R], typing [regedit] and hitting the [enter] key
Navigate to Hkey_Current_User\Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM, right-click the key and create two new DWords 32-bit with the names Animations and AnimationsShiftKey
Double-click both entries and assign the value 1 to them
Open an elevated command prompt and issue the commands [net stop uxsms] and [net start uxsms] or restart the computer systemAero effects can now be slowed down by pressing the [Shift] key. There you have it. This is obviously more a nice to have thing that something that would have a practical use to it.