Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How to Change the Appearance of Your Windows7 Logon Screen

Friendly Computers thinks it will be useful for you.

Like most users, you probably don’t think too much about your logon screen. But a nice little utility specifically designed for Windows 7 will let you change the background image on your logon screen.  Logon Screen Rotator from Luke Payne Software for Windows 7, is a program is easy to install, and  the features are straight forward to use. Before you begin, you should have a folder with the images that you will want to use for your logon screen.

Once you download and extract the file, the Windows 7  Rotator screen will appear:

LogonScreenRotator-Images1-200x200 LogonScreenRotator-Images

There are six tabs that you can use, but most users will start with the first tab, where you add your images.

Pictures8-400x264 You can select an image by right click on the open area in the image tab.

Select the image from the image folder.

Pictures-400x325 These are fractal images from my library

Pictures91-399x252  You can change images

Pictures10-400x261 Adding a Folder to the Folders tab...this allows other images to be available

The next tab locates the folders that you can use to store the images that you will use.

LogonScreenRotator-Folders2-400x261 Logon Screen Rotator-Folders

The next tab “All Images” will show all or the images that have been loaded on the application.

LogonScreenRotator-AllImages3-400x261 The Logon Screen Rotator-AllImages

The History tab will record your entries.

LogonScreenRotator-History4-400x261  Logon Screen Rotator-History

The button set tab allows you to select a button for use on logon.

 LogonScreenRotator-ButtonSet5-400x261 Logon Screen Rotator - ButtonSet


Pictures11-400x261 You can change the settings of the application.

You can set how often you want the image to change, at each logon, or each day. This program is quick and easy to work with. If you like your themes or background images, you will like this program.

Download the file from Luke Payne Software.
