Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Find Out What Windows Error Codes Mean

Friendly Computers want to help you to find out what Windows error codes mean.

errormessage Find Out What Windows Error Codes Mean

That’s one option, but there’s another little program as well, a bit more advanced but does pretty much the same job. WELT (Windows Error Lookup Tool) will also allow you to lookup those error codes, but it also allows you to add notes so next time you get that error code you can keep track of what applications are causing it.

It offers 3 categories of error codes which are Win32/HRESULTS, NTSTATUS and STOP Errors. You have to enter the error code and then select the category and hit enter. This option is probably more for advanced users as most users wont know what the different categories are.

WELT1 Find Out What Windows Error Codes MeanYou can download WELT here
